Circle of Life Award

The Circle of Life Award has been set up by Disney Theatrical Productions in partnership with Young Citizens to shine a light on and celebrate some of the amazing work young people in schools do to make a positive contribution to their community.

This project aims to capture the values of Disney’s The Lion King and to inspire our youngest citizens to become the next generation of community leaders.

So, whether you are already committed to supporting young people’s community involvement and social action, or looking to kick-start your schools efforts, we are here to help you.

Access the free resources now.


Help to start a social action project

The ‘Circle of Life’ resources consist of six sessions – three teacher-led resources and three student-led – that are designed to empower young people to initiate and deliver a social action project to benefit an issue or problem in their community.

You decide if you want to use the full-set of resources or just choose the activity sheets that help your students’ project. Access the free resources now.


“The Circle of Life Project is giving our students an amazing opportunity to adopt an outward looking vantage point that hones into the needs of their community. It provides children and young people with a safe and supported structure through which they can demonstrate kindness, compassion and thoughtful citizenship.”

Nina Moore, Head teacher, Full Circle Education

Applying for the Circle of Life Award

At the conclusion of your community project, participating students can apply for the Circle of Life Award, on behalf of their school.

The application process can be completed by a student, teacher or a nominated other. We encourage students to be involved in the application form, as it can form a valuable self-reflection exercise on their learning to create a fairer society.

In return you will receive a framed certificate on behalf of Disney Theatrical Group, which you can mount in your school’s reception area.

Get recognition, apply today!

If you have any questions, please contact the team on