
Caring for our Communities


In this lesson pupils will think about the importance of caring for their community and the varied caring responsibilities which are held by members of the community. They will identify who in the community cares for their needs and how they can reciprocate by taking an active role in their community.
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Lessons, Health and Wellbeing, Social action/Active Citizenship, KS3 (ages 11-14)

The Circle of Life Award

The resources consist of six sessions – three teacher-led resources and three student-led – that are designed to empower...

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS4 (ages 14-16)

Migration of People

To help you engage your students in the topic of migration Young Citizens have developed a flexible teaching resource...

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS4 (ages 14-16)

The Big Legal Lesson 2024 (Secondary)

The law affects every aspect of our lives, but children and young people rarely learn about it in the...

More Community resources

Lessons, Social action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

What is a Charity?

Pupils learn about the reasons why charities are created. They will be introduced to the main features of a charity and have the opportunity to research the work of a…

Lessons, Social action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Being Part of a School Community

During this lesson pupils recap what we mean by the term active citizen. They consider what qualities and skills an active citizen should have and explore how these skills and…

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS2 (ages 7-11)


In this lesson pupils will develop their understanding of the term ‘discrimination’. Pupils will consider what makes them unique and learn which characteristics are protected under the Equality Act. Pupils…

More Social action/Active Citizenship resources

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Children’s Rights

In this lesson pupils will learn that there are specific rights for children which are set out in the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Pupils will…

Digital Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Being An Online Citizen

During this lesson pupils consider their rights and responsibilities as digital citizens, focusing on how the online world can be used as a force for good. Pupils consider what skills,…

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Climate Change

Learners explore what climate change is and what is causing it.  They consider who is responsible for climate change:  individuals, politicians, businesses?  They are then challenged to think of a…

More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources

Certificates, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Treating People Fairly (Certificate)

Our pupil certificates are linked to 12 ethos statements, such as We Treat Everyone Fairly. Each statement supports character development and the acquisition of key citizenship skills The values, skills and…

Lessons, Community, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Chicken Soup

In this lesson pupils will read a tale adapted from Jewish folklore that explores the theme of sharing. Pupils will reflect on the behaviour of the characters and consider how…

Assemblies, Sustainability and the Environment, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Litter: The Picnic (Assembly)

With the help of one of the Go-Givers puppets or a soft toy, this assembly highlights how the rubbish we discard can and spoil the environment and endanger wildlife. The…